List of Queen of the Willis guest stars
Queen of the Willis is an American adult animated comedy-drama created by Ava Zinn and Holly Everman. Along with its core voice actors, the show has had its history of guest stars. The series centers on the Willis family, a family consisting of parents Ava and Angie; their children Tom, Deanna, Ron, Stuart, Brian, Emilie, Luanne, Hillary, and Brynn; and their anthropomorphic pets dog Tabby, cat Shushu, and lobster Heather. The show is set in the fictional city of Quillsville, Indiana.
Guest stars have applied their voices to the show, they come from a wide range of occupations including musicians, actors, athletes and politicians, among others. Nichole Birky (1984-2006) was the first to appear as Jackie Doolitle.
Season 1[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
Lee Kelso | Mayor Kelso | 1 - "Pilot" |
Nicole Birky | Jackie Doolitle | 3 - "A Case Managing We Will Go" |
Garfield Everman | Bruce Cochrun | |
Linda Jackson | Deputy Mayor Jackson | 13 - "Ten Pretty, Pretty Angry Women" |
Heather Herron | herself | |
David Caruso | Harry Willis |
Season 2[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
Katie Douglas | Port Melissa MegaTherapist Director Katie Douglas | 1 - "Therapist Hopping" |
Ashley Gardner | Lynsay Gerardo | |
David Caruso | Harry Willis | 4 - "The Unbearable Homophobia of Laying" |
Leonard Lai | Clyde Clausssen | |
Joe Kernan | himself | 5 - "Ava and the Great D Cups" |
Maggie Kernan | herself | |
Maribel Mort | Hillary Kernan | |
Seth MacFarlane | Steve | 6 - "The Craven Gifts Girl" |
Rachael MacFarlane | Linda | |
David Caruso | Harry Willis | 7 - "Buckeye Ava" |
John Mellencamp | himself | 8 - "Mellencamp Fever" |
Crystal Gayle* | herself | |
Lee Kelso | Mayor Kelso | |
Melvin Runecraft | Mike Steelbox | 9/10 - Transgendered Wars |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 3[1][edit]
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 4[1][edit]
*Live-action role #Archive footage
BTaking place prior to him coming out as trans and undergoing gender reassignment surgery, Jake Zyrus was considered to be playing Carla, as he was known then as Charice Pempengco.
CTaking place prior to her coming out as trans and undergoing gender reassignment surgery, Rachael Passalt was considered to be playing Ray, as she was then known as Raymond Passalt
MThis would be Michael Jackson's final television appearance, following his death in 2009.
Season 5[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
Ken Owen | himself | 2-3 - "Revenge of the Male Anchors 3" |
Jim Irsay | 8 - "Ava's Colts Movie" | |
Peyton Manning | ||
Melinda Long | Betty | 9 - "The Nanny From Hell" |
Kim Fields | Millie | 13 - "Homophobic Petz" |
Lee Kelso | Mayor Kelso | 14 - "I Now Prnounce You... Man and Husband" |
Melvin Runecraft | Robert | 15 - "Shushu's Got a Brand New Bag" |
David Caruso | Harry Willis | 17/18- "A Willis Thanksgiving" |
Richard Lugar | himself | 22 - "The Mother, The Daughter, and Senator Lugar" |
Barbara Hobbs | herself | 26 - "AldiMart Tiffani" |
Karly Ryder, Jr. | herself | 27 - "40" |
Angelina Jolie | Paige Pamhouser | 28 - "Paige Pamhouser" |
Garfield EvermanG | Bruce Cochrun | 31/32 - "Therapist Hopping 2" |
Bill Gerardo | ||
Andrea Moorehead | herself | |
Luka Runecraft | Bart the Bully | |
Anne Marie Tiernon | herself | |
Ashley Gardner | Lynsay Gerardo | |
David Caruso | Harry Willis | 35-38- "Quillsville Cold Case: Albert Willis" |
Kathryn Morris | Sergeant Lilly Rush |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
GThis would be Garfield Everman's final television appearance, following his death on March 31, 2011.
Season 6[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
Leonard Lai | Hank Wilcox | 6 - "We Love You, Rodriguez" |
Jai Rodriguez | himself | |
Craig Ferguson* | ||
Jimmy Kimmel* | ||
David Letterman* | ||
Carson Kressley* | ||
Ted Allen* | ||
Kyan Douglas* | ||
Thom Filicia* | ||
Karly Ryder, Jr. | Brandi Souza | 9 - "Uh, Oh! MEXICO!" |
10 - "Death Picks Peggy" | ||
11 - "Brandi's Willing to Dress" | ||
12 - "Back Home Again in Kevin's Arms Again" | ||
Lee Kelso | Mayor Kelso | |
Melvin Runecraft | Markus | |
Leonard Lai | Kevin |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 7[1][edit]
*Live-action role #Archive footage
HThis would be Holly Everman's final television appearance, following her death on May 23, 2017.
LThis would be Leonard Lai's final television appearance, following his death on October 26, 2015.
AThis would be Alexis Arquette's final television appearance, following her death on September 11, 2016.
Season 8[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
Devin Martin | Ray Grissom | 1-4 - "Quillsville Under Siege" |
Tracia Matthewson | Nancy Bones | |
Clark Jones | Jay Grissom | |
Ann Dwyar | Christina Rush | |
Kathryn Morris | Sergeant Lilly Rush | |
5 - "Valentine's Day in Quillsville, Indiana" | ||
Nicole Pence | Mayor Pence | |
Brynn Cartelli | herself | |
Maddie Poppe | ||
Jena Asciutto | ||
Jordan Smith | himself | |
Britton Buchannan | ||
Nick Fradiani | ||
Billy West | John Zoidberg | |
Phil Allen | Hank Wilcox | |
Jai Martinez | himself | |
Luka Runecraft | Bill Rose | |
Brandon Roberts | ||
Ralph | ||
Dan Bowen | ||
Reagan Gomez-Preston | Roberta Tubbs | |
Larisa Oleynik | Karla Spinazola | 7 - "A Fight Waiting to Happen" |
8 - "The Gs in Apartment 23" | ||
Gilbert Gottfried | Jake Shreves | 12-14 - "Girl (Lobster) Meets Boy (Lobster)" |
Phil Allen | Scott Schuller | 15 - "Revenge of the Male 5: The Fatal Frontier" |
Frank Davidson | Andrew Donaldson | |
Officer Dailey | ||
Adam Teekerman | ||
Bryant Smith | ||
Bob Donaldson# | himself | |
Avril Lavigne | herself | |
Kathryn Morris | Sgt. Lilly Rush | |
Luka Runecraft | Miles Kendall | |
Liam Wright | ||
Theodore the Tiger | ||
Alisan Porter | herself | |
Breeanna Sorensen | Adrienne Fansler | |
Addison the Tiger | ||
Fanchon Stinger# | herself | |
Diane Willis# | herself | |
Olivia Everman | Alexandra Souza | |
Nick Marusiak | ||
Kathi Jameson | Jacob Morris | |
Laura Donaldson | herself | |
Eric Halvorson | Principal Halvorson | |
Nicole Pence | Mayor Pence | |
Akim Anastopuolo | Judge Akim | |
Clyde Lee | himself | |
Kaitlyn Kendall | Kaity Kendall | |
Kayla Stewart | herself | |
Ellie Goulding# | herself | |
Brooklynne Beaty | herself | |
Alex Borestein | Lois Griffin | |
Kassie DePaiva | Brandi Willis | |
Lynsay Gerardo | ||
Kymberly Tanoos | ||
Tammie Souza | herself | |
Emily Dwire | herself | |
Tony Danza | Leah Stewart's thought | |
Rex Smith | himself | |
Andrea Moorehead | herself | |
Emily Longnecker | herself | |
Jon Wilson | himself | |
Linda Jackson | herself | |
Dan Spheeler | himself | |
Dirk Rowley | himself | |
Pat Hoffman | himself | |
Brien McElhatten | himself | |
Kent Hormann | himself | |
Angela Ganote | herself | |
Jessica Hayes* | herself | |
Lindy Thackston* | herself | |
Crystal Bowersox | herself | |
Skye Winslow | Skye Donaldson | |
Rafael Sanchez | himself | |
Amy Grant# | herself (footage) | |
Crystal Gayle*# | herself (archive footage) | |
Melissa Long | herself | |
Zoey Tur | herself | |
Marci Bowers | herself | |
Cindy Wine | herself | |
Marti McDaniel | Chloe Halvorson | |
Alyssa Ivanson | herself | |
Jim O'Brien*# | himself (archive footage) | |
Amber Hardwick*# | herself (archive footage) | |
Julian Teekaram | Julian Teekerman | |
Seth MacFarlane | Mister Claude | 18 - "Angie's Progress" |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 9[1][edit]
*Live-action role #Archive footage DAppearance in a deleted scene only
</dl>Season 10[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 11[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>Season 12[1][edit]
Name | Character | Episode |
*Live-action role #Archive footage
</dl>See also[edit]
External links[edit]