Template:For the Love of Heather - Plot

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A year passed after being marrying Jake Shreves (voiced by Gilbert Godfried "(Girl) Lobster Meets (Boy) Lobster") and being pregnant from her rape ("The Rape of Heather Willis"), Heather becomes apprehensive about being the mother of a newborn, [[Arthur Willis]|Arthur]] ("The Steak Nazi"). After losing significant weight while pregnant and giving birth to Arthur, Heather notices changes in her body and becomes obsessed with her appearance. She becomes withdrawn after Deanna married Brandi Souza, took custody of Brittany (then Brian), Rhonda (then Ron), Suzanne (then Stuart), Emilie, Hillary and Luanne away from Ava and Angie and moved to Detropolis, Ohio. Feeling ignored by Ava, Angie, Brynn, Mandy, Tabby and Shushu as well as being embarassed by body shaming from Quillsville, especially from Melissa in particular. Heather, with Angie's help, begins to diet and exercise with Angie having little success and Heather remaining conscious about her own weight.

Mandy notices Heather as does Melissa, Kendra, Avril, Karly, Alisan and most of the Willis family who also notice Angie is gaining weight while Heather is losing the weight. Melissa is the first to notice and confront Heather about it (in a similar manner as seen in "Ten Years to Life", "The Story of Melissa's Mother" and "Bowers for Two") as does Ava, who tells Heather that it "has been going to Angie."

At a 4th of July party at the Willis home, everyone is shocked by how thin Heather and thick Angie looks after Mandy gives Heather and Angie outfits to make them look like hookers. Ava is sexually delighted and shocked as are Tabby and Shushu, who along with Angie are also obese. Ava confronts Heather with Tabby and Shushu standing by and Heather promises that everything is going to be okay. Heather is then pressured by Ava to see a doctor or have Indiana Child Services get involved with Arthur being taken away to foster custody. Faced with the prospect of having Child Services getting involved, Heather, whose voice becomes evil and takes Tabby and Shushu to a pet store in her Chevy Malibu, locks Ava in the refrigerator for four hours. Mandy and Melissa manage to free a nearly out of breath Ava out of the refrigerator. Melissa convinces Ava that if she remains complacent, Heather could die but not before Melissa rules out postpartum depression as well as a classic sign of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Soon, Heather admits to Melissa about being bulimic and needing help to stop the disorder without any interruptions to her routine, even telling Melissa to go home and “fuck her wife (Stephanie) in the face and knock her for nine months,” implying Heather's own ordeal being pregnant from rape two years earlier. Heather eventually delegates her duties raising Arthur to Rumer. Heather enters a mostly boring group therapy session, which Ava laments is a psychiatric ward and admits that Heather's rape is Ava's own fault, of which Ava admits that she is the one who hired Bobby Joe Bones in the first place.

Despite the help of a mini-blender she brought, Heather still manages to hide food to fake her progress and is soon caught and the doctor (along with a male nurse pulling a gun on Heather) decides to connect Heather to a feeding tube. Heather makes progress gaining 30 pounds and manages to sign herself out with the help of Brenda Quagmire and her father (Ida Quagmire) and the assistance of Tabby (by pulling a gun and ordering Heather's release), Shushu and Joyce. Heather realizes the answer to her problem is CBD oil and e-cigarettes, of which she does vape and is delighted. Upon her return home to Quillsville, Heather still manages to starve herself, much to the distress of Ava. When she smells marijuana and expecting Angie to be the culprit, Ava notices it is not Angie but surpised that Heather is vaping the CBD oil and eating various salads. Heather attempts to confront Ava since it is actually Angie who has been eating too much.

Heather manages to resist any attempt by them and has little success. Ava asks why Heather is doing it, but Heather explains the lack of food available in the refrigerator, especially the lack of meat, and in the pantry despite Ava's income as manager of Craven Gifts, Angie enters and explains that she is the one who has been overeating, revealing that (1) Angie never got over Tom's death in “Quillsville Cold Case”, (2) Angie, at age 14, was forced to give up her first and only child with Todd Unger, after she was raped by Todd in 1983 and again in 2018—she had only learned about this development from Jake Shreves as he revealed that Heidi is Angie's biological daughter from her 1983 rape, (3) Deanna moving to Ohio, and (4) only learning about Ava being molested by a female teacher in 1982. Brynn, Tabby, and Shushu are scared that Heather will soon die. Meanwhile, Heather becomes increasingly ill from malnutrition and is eventually hospitalized after being lured and trapped by Melissa, who fatally wounds Jake with her gun.

As a last resort of desperation to help Heather, Ava, Melissa, Kendra, Avril, Karly, and Alisan go to the Anorexic Clinic to ask how they can help her. The doctor informs her to either have someone become Heather's medical guardian, of which Ava reveals that will not work. Melissa (as a doctor), Kendra, Alisan, and Karly discuss luring in and drugging Heather by trickery, with Ava against the idea saying that Melissa could put her medical license in jeopardy and it would not matter, while Melissa says it does and explains that it is the only way to help Heather and sending Heather back to the hospital. Ava is still against the idea but Melissa realizes it is worth risking her medical license.

Heather takes refuge in Melissa's home, where she finds Melissa, already waiting for her. Melissa informs Heather that her already low opinion of Heather has provoked her further. Heather confesses that Melissa, along with Karly's wife, Kathi, may be her only friend, but it is revealed only to be the trap Melissa sat up. Because of this, an outraged Melissa shoots and kills Jake and knocks Heather out with her gun, injects tranquilizers and sedatives enough to put Heather into coma state for two weeks.

When Heather finally improves, she regains custody of Arthur. Brynn and Angie argue, Ava acts as a peacemaker, and Heather sits outside and stays out of the way. The physician confirms to Ava and Angie from both Ava and Melissa's assessments that she thinks Heather developed her eating disorder because she felt ignored, neglected, and abandoned by the various boyfriends Heather had and that Heather viewed it as the only way to get attention. Apparently for Heather, good looks, being smart, ambitious and being an excellent girl are no longer cutting it when it comes to finding her soul mate—particularly men and Jake, along with Hank Wilcox, were those soul mates. Heather's personality forces her to strive for perfection in everything, her appearance and she seeks control with food and sex because she feels out of control in the rest of her life. In the end, Heather is able to recover on her own accord—even nonchalantly punching Melissa in the kidneys and ball-busts her at the end of the episode.