Template:String-handling templates

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List of templates in Template:Cat.


Trimming strings by counting

  • {{Trunc}} – To trim down to a specified number of characters.
  • {{Str left}} – To trim down to a specified number of characters, or duplicate the string to a specified number.
  • {{Str crop}} – To crop a specified number of characters off the end.
  • {{Chop head and tail}} — To crop a specified number of characters off the beginning and end.
  • {{Str right}} — To trim the first specified number of characters.
  • {{Str rightc}} — To return a number of characters from the end, returns a parameter if the string is empty.
  • {{Str rightmost}} — To trim down to the last specified number of characters.
  • {{Str sub old}} — To trim down to a specified number, starting at a given number from the left.
  • {{Str sub new}} — Select a substr based on starting and ending index.

Trimming strings by character checking

Inserting strings

  • {{Strloc insert}} - Inserts a string at character location strloc, or appends if strloc<=0.
  • {{Strloc prefix}} - Extracts string prefix up to location strloc, or whole string if strloc<=0.
  • {{Str rep}} — Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string.
  • {{Str rep all}} — Returns the string, after replacing all occurrences of a specified string with another string.
  • {{Repeat}} — Repeat character string n times

Analyzing strings templates

  • {{Str endswith}} – To check if a string ends with a given string.
  • {{Str find}} – Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string.
  • {{Strfind short}} – Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. 1-based
  • {{Str find0}} – Zero-based substring search.
  • {{Str sub find}} – Searches a substring in a string at the given offset.
  • {{Str index}} – Returns a given character from a string, but not accented letters.
  • {{Str len}} – Returns a string's length.
  • {{Str letter}} — Returns the number of letters that begin a string.
  • {{Str number}} — Returns the number of numbers that begin a string.
  • {{Ship prefix}} — Returns the length of a ship name prefix, if listed.

String length comparison templates

  • {{Str ≥ len}} – To check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length.
  • {{Str ≤ len}} – To check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length.
  • {{Str ≠ len}} – To check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length.
  • {{Str ≤ ≥ len}} – To check if a string is "shorter", "equal", or "longer" than a given length.

Test cases

Sandboxes and test cases:

Technical developments

Feature requests

gu:ઢાંચો:String templates see also text jv:Cithakan:String templates see also nso:Template:String templates see also text zh:Template:字符串模板參見文字