Template:VFTG USA 11 In-season pick changes

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Revision as of 20:52, 19 April 2020 by Aeverinezinn (talk | contribs) (Supported contestant changes)
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Supported contestant changes

The following Vote for the Girls or Zinn's Villains picks were moved by way of flexible picking, Moderator Challenges, severe weather, or for other reasons:

  • The Voice 18
    • Allegra Miles, originally chosen by Jenny & Tulissa, was "cross-flexed" to Alexandra Moffitt
    • Joei Fulco was cross-flexed from Alexandra Moffitt to Ava & Marti
    • Zan Fiksum was cross-flexed from Jenny & Tulissa to Alexandra Moffitt
  • American Idol 18
    • Grace Leer was "cross-flexed" from Karla Hansen to Ava Zinn, yet Zinn gave no reason.
    • The following picks were moved to Ava & Marti due to Zinn in a relationship with Marti McDaniel:
      • Grace Leer
      • Alaina Jester and Kimmy Gabriela
    • Sophia Wakerman, chosen by Kye Sanchez, was moved to Ava & Marti